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February 16, 2024 | Blog

Cleaning Beyond Appearance: The Importance of Proper Disinfection in Commercial Spaces

As businesses continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment has become more apparent than ever.


Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us one thing for sure: keeping our workspaces clean and healthy is more important than ever. But here’s the catch—it’s not just about keeping things looking tidy. Proper disinfection is key to stopping the spread of illnesses, especially the ones that pass around easily.

Why Disinfection Matters

Disinfection isn’t just another cleaning task. It’s about wiping out or cutting down harmful microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, and fungi from surfaces, objects, and even the air. Think about how many people touch door handles and elevator buttons daily. Commercial spaces see a lot of traffic, turning them into germ hotspots. Proper disinfection makes these places safer for everyone.

Especially now, with COVID-19 lingering around, disinfecting surfaces properly is crucial. This virus can stick around on surfaces for a long time, posing a constant threat.

Choosing the Right Disinfectant

Not all disinfectants are created equal. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a list of disinfectants that work against COVID-19, but different germs need different killers. Picking the right disinfectant for the germs you’re fighting is essential.

Following the manufacturer’s instructions is just as important. Use the correct dilution ratios, allow the right contact time, and apply it properly. If you misuse a disinfectant, it might not work well, leaving harmful microorganisms behind.

A thorough approach is needed. Promote hand hygiene, encourage social distancing, ensure proper ventilation, and stay updated on health guidelines. These measures, combined with disinfection, significantly reduce illness transmission risks.

Professional cleaning services like Servi-Tek Facility Solutions offer tailored disinfection services. They understand the importance of choosing the right disinfectants and following the correct procedures to keep spaces safe. These steps protect employees and customers, fostering a healthier community.

Tips for Proper Disinfection

Effective disinfection is more than a quick wipe-down. Here are some essential tips:

  1. Clean Before You Disinfect: Disinfectants work best on clean surfaces. Dirt, dust, and debris can block their effectiveness. Always clean surfaces thoroughly before disinfecting.
  2. Use the Right Disinfectant: Ensure your disinfectant targets the specific microorganisms you’re aiming to eliminate.
  3. Follow Instructions: Stick to the manufacturer’s guidelines for dilution, contact time, and application method. Improper use can reduce effectiveness.
  4. Focus on High-Touch Areas: Frequently disinfect high-touch areas like door handles, light switches, and elevator buttons.
  5. Don’t Forget Soft Surfaces: Soft surfaces like carpets and upholstery can also harbor germs. Use disinfectants designed for these areas.
  6. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Protect yourself during disinfection. Wear gloves, masks, or other PPE as necessary.

The Role of Professional Cleaning Service

Disinfecting commercial

spaces can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. That’s why many businesses turn to professional cleaning services to ensure thorough and effective disinfection. Professional cleaners bring knowledge, experience, and equipment to the table, significantly reducing the risk of illness transmission.

For example, Servi-Tek Facility Solutions provides ongoing disinfection services tailored to each commercial space’s needs. They follow proper procedures and use the right disinfectants to maintain a healthy environment. This not only protects employees and customers but also fosters a healthier community.

Moreover, professional cleaning services offer peace of mind. Knowing your commercial space is regularly and properly disinfected can reduce stress and workload, allowing business owners and managers to focus on their core operations.

Other Measures to Maintain a Healthy Environment

While disinfection is critical, it should be part of a broader strategy to maintain a healthy environment. Here are additional measures to consider:

  • Promote Hand Hygiene: Encourage frequent hand washing and provide hand sanitizers throughout the space.
  • Social Distancing: Ensure employees and customers can maintain a safe distance. Implement barriers or other measures to facilitate this.
  • Proper Ventilation: Ensure good ventilation to reduce the concentration of harmful microorganisms in the air.
  • Stay Updated on Guidelines: Keep abreast of public health guidelines and adjust practices as needed.

Why Choose Servi-Tek Facility Solutions?

Professional cleaning services like Servi-Tek Facility Solutions can make a significant difference. They ensure commercial spaces are properly disinfected and reduce the risk of illness transmission. With their expertise, businesses can maintain a healthy environment over time.

By taking these steps, businesses can play a crucial role in preventing the spread of illnesses and keeping their communities healthy. Contact Servi-Tek Facility Solutions at 866-484-6185 to learn more about their disinfection services and how they can help your business stay safe and healthy.

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