Over The Edge Event Experience with Servi-Tek’s Co-Founder Kurt Lester
Servi-Tek co-founder, Kurt Lester, recently got a birds-eye view of gorgeous Waikiki and Diamond Head – as he rappelled from the rooftop of the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach and Spa.
Kurt was one of many local participants and supporters gathered for Waikiki’s Over The Edge event, a fundraiser that directly benefits Hawaii’s Special Olympics organization.

Held on Saturday, October 27, 2018, the Waikiki initiative allowed sponsors who raised a qualifying minimum contribution of $1,000 a chance to go Over The Edge, rappelling 40 stories in total from hotel top to bottom for a good cause.
Contributors of the event raised $148,128 (surpassing a set goal of $140,000) for Hawaii’s Special Olympics division. The nonprofit organization will use proceeds from the day to provide local children and adults with intellectual disabilities an opportunity to participate in various Special Olympics athletic training and competitions without cost to them or their families.
An avid philanthropist and enthusiastic thrill-seeker, Waikiki’s Over The Edge function offered Kurt a rare Hawaii experience and the opportunity to give back to the surrounding community.
“When Servi-Tek first heard about the Over The Edge event, we knew it was something we wanted to be a part of. It’s our privilege to be able to support local Special Olympic athletes and help them get the training they need to participate in the program without cost. We are grateful to be able to be part of such an exciting event for such a worthy cause.”
Over The Edge, an urban rappelling and travel adventure company based in Nova Scotia, first launched its organization to support local non-profits.
In 2008, Over The Edge expanded its fundraising and sponsorship presence to the U.S.
The organization aligned itself with a multitude of worthy causes and organizations, vowing to help raise $50 million for non-profits and charities by 2018 – a goal the company achieved in 2016.
For more information on Over The Edge sponsorship opportunities near you, visit the company website at Over The Edge Global.